Do you believe in ghosts?

Do Ghosts Exist?

You'd have to agree with us when we say that one of the spookiest questions that exist is whether ghosts are real or not. Till the point they are behind the silver screen in horror movies, all's well. But the moment we hear a real-life tale, we are scared. While a daring few would shun this talk without giving it a second thought, some would weep with trepidation. And so, we thought this topic deserved an opinion poll.

And with Halloween around the corner, this was the perfect chance to conduct the eeriest poll possible. The question was simple do you believe in ghosts to which the 12,209 respondents had varied responses. 43.88% of the respondents replied with a definite Yes and 35.39% with a firm (and frankly quite brave) No. Another significant group of respondents consisting of 20.73% people responded with an inconclusive Sometimes. Read More: