News and Its Numerous Sources
Same news presented differently captivates different audiences for different reasons. The medium from which it is received also varies from person to person. While some can't start their day without their cup of piping-hot morning tea and newspaper, some like to read their news on the go on news apps. Trying to get a more definite estimate of the same, we conducted a poll with 5,129 respondents. 22.52% of the people still trust the good-old Newspapers, 18.29% log on to News Websites for their daily news fix, and 16.30% have downloaded News Apps on their phones and tablets.

Some of the respondents also prefer social media to get their fill of news. 21.80% use Facebook, 12.40% trust Instagram, and 8.70% log onto Twitter. After the poll, we can only conclude that whatever be the platform, everyone has found a convenient medium that helps them stay updated with their environment. Read More Here: