Traditional Ayurveda v/s Modern Medicine

Often referred to as the Mother of all Healing, Ayurvedic Medicine is an alternate form of medicine that is more than 5,000 years old. It still holds a lot of value, especially in India, as many people are sceptical of the advanced medical sciences. Given a choice, people would want to keep the chemical medicines as their last resort and treat their illnesses first with natural remedies.
Conducting a poll on this much-debated issue, we asked a total of 5,027 respondents as to which type of medicines they preferred. 40.40% believe Ayurveda is better than modern medicine, while 12.57% instil their trust in the latter. 26.06% of the respondents feel maybe Ayurveda is better than the two, and 20.97% revert with an inconclusive can't say. Read More: